The One Color You Need In Your Bedroom, According To Your Personality

The One Color You Need In Your Bedroom

The One Color You Need In Your Bedroom

My favorite color as a kid was blue because I associated it with my favorite hero: the Blue Ranger from The Power Rangers. I wanted everything in blue, from my clothes, to my notebooks, accessories, and even my room’s walls. However, when I grew older, I noticed something strange was happening to me, and it had to do with the blue walls in my bedroom. I was feeling down and depressed due to some problems at school and stuff with friends (the usual teenage drama), and all the blue in my surroundings was making it worse. It was one of those dark blue shades that gives a gloomy vibe as the sun goes down. It helped me learn how color can stimulate and affect your mood.

With that in mind, when my family and I moved to a new house, I decided to paint and decorate my room in a different color, one that brought me happiness and comfort. So, I picked a pistachio green that I associated with joyful and funny moments, and I noticed the difference right away: I truly enjoyed being in that environment. If like me, your bedroom’s color doesn’t suit your personality or put you in a good mood, maybe you need to see exactly how it affects your mood, and what color you could switch to. Maybe you’re a carefree and fun-loving person, and you’d feel right at home in an orange or yellow bedroom, or you’re more shy and intellectual, and like dark blues and grays. Whatever mood or personality trait you wish to embrace, here are the basic things you should know about colors and your personality.


Using the color red in your bedroom says action, passion, and courage. It’s the best color for you, if you want a bold, fashionable, and sensual atmosphere in your bedroom. Also, it’s good fit for people who describe themselves as extroverted, optimistic, adventurous, and confident.


A yellow room is bright and inspires a clean and organized environment. Painting your room’s walls in this color says you favor logic and reason, and prefer intellectual activities like writing and reading. If the thought of a completely yellow bedroom is a little overwhelming for you, you can incorporate this color with a bedspread, rug, cushions or even artworks.


As I mentioned before, this color didn’t work for me after a while, but maybe it’s the right one for you. Some shades of blue can help you relax and calm down after a long day. Blue is also associated with peace of mind and reflection. In general, this color is said to suit people who are introverted, trustworthy, and responsible.


Choosing pink for your bedroom says that you are a loving and emotional person with deep feelings and a big heart. The personality type most often associated to this color is the kind of person who strives for love, peace, and harmony. It is also the perfect color for optimistic, positive, sweet people.


If you’re an outdoorsy person and a nature lover, this color is perfect for your personality and your bedroom. It represents the generosity, care, and thoughtfulness that make for a down-to-earth person. You can even add wooden, DIY elements and earth tones to give your room a rustic style.

There are many other colors that can suit your personality and mood. For example, there’s indigo, for awareness; purple and violet, for security; and gray, for reliability. Whatever shade you decide on, make sure you the color feels right for you. You can play with different combinations, and also furniture that contrasts or complements the room’s color. What’s important here is that you create a space where you can feel happy and secure in the sanctuary that is your room.

For other room decor ideas, check out these articles:

The Best DIY Inspiration That Will Keep Your Room Organized And Chic

6 Ways To Decorate Your Room According To Your Personality Type

4 DIY Decor Ideas To Give Your Space That Log Cabin Vibe

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