20 Illustrations By Tony Futura That Will Remind You Of How Wicked Society Has Become

20 Illustrations By Tony Futura That Will Remind You Of How Wicked Society Has Become

20 Illustrations By Tony Futura That Will Remind You Of How Wicked Society Has Become

What’s the most naughty and wicked thing you’ve ever done? Spread a nasty rumor in school? Nick something from the grocery store? Cheat? Yes, we’re all corrupt and slightly depraved, but I believe it’s a normal part of human evolution. For instance, a year ago something that was seen as morally corrupt is now embraced by all, and the other way round. Everything is fluid and rules change at the drop of a hat. But let’s not wade into ethics today, instead, let’s poke fun at the quirky, sometimes silly, societal rules.


Pop one and find enlightenment.


Is your butt starting to clench looking at these illustrations? Do you feel offended? If you are, that’s great. So, before you start huffing and puffing, take a deep breath and laugh. Poking fun at ourselves is the sole saving grace of humanity. If we can’t laugh at the rules that bind us, then what’s the point? Jokes are a form of introspection, which allow us to understand ourselves a little bit better and be more aware of where we stand in the world.


Do you want some fries with that Amen?


That’s right, laughter is something we should put into practice every single day of our lives. Yes, it’s therapeutic but it also helps you overcome any difficulty and ease some of the pain of when you’ve been wronged or you’ve done a shitty thing. So, unclench your butt and laugh and let go of all that anger you’ve been bottling up this week.

Tony Futura is the mastermind behind these complex and highly intricate works, each piece is dripping with humor and pokes at that inflated balloon called EGO. Futura confronts you with that part of your nature that is rigid and uncompromising.



Based in Berlin, Futura’s job is actually at a publicity agency, but in 2013 he decided to work on a different creative project. He opened an Instagram account and began an awesome gallery of hilarious and interesting images. Futura is an artist, yes, but he’s almost a sociologist in how he curates his work and the themes he picks.





In the world of social media it feels as if art has been swallowed up by #foodporn and #TBT but Futura has been able to rein in the power of Instagram and amassed a huge following. So what do you do with so much influence, in an interview with Plastik Magazine, he stated the importance of searching for new ideas every day. Boredom spells doom for Futura, which is why he always looks the other way when it comes to conventional advertisement images. He inserts a new chip into people’s mindset, encouraging them to find new art forms and be open to new forms of creativity.

The more you stray away from your daily routine, the better.



His images make us laugh and they have a unique design and esthetic that make him stand out from other designers. Clean and clear cut images that punch you in the face with a message, this is the power that Futura holds over his audience. You can totally picture his work hanging on the walls of your home and you know visitors would always comment and come closer to see the minute details.



You need a good dose of humor to keep you going. You need to laugh as you wait for the delayed train to arrive to the platform or for the bitter taste of burnt coffee be bearable. I know we’re all tied down by routine, but every blue moon it is awesome to release all that pressure and simply unwind with cheeky illustrations.



I think these images work because they appeal to your quirky side and expose all the gritty things that make you feel uncomfortable. Futura knows how to make us chuckle and cringe at the same time. It feels so good to poke fun at yourself, so why not dip into Futura’s work?



If you want to see more of his hilarious pieces, go straight into his Instagram account: @tonyfutura


You can also check the works of other artists here:

Tongue In Cheek Artist Who Gives A New Meaning To “Raunchy”

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