How To Identify What’s Triggering Your Stress?

How To Identify What's Triggering Your Stress?

How To Identify What's Triggering Your Stress?

Thanks to the digital era we’re living in, we have to deal with a lot of different issues at the same time. This has turned our way of living into a very demanding one. Between social pressure, our job, and family expectations, we are filled with concerns that most of the time are left unsolved. What are your plans for next year? Are you finally moving out from your parents house? What’s going on with your partner? Are you going to have kids someday? Why aren’t you still married? Why can’t you find a well-paid job? What do you want to do with your life? Overwhelming, right? As these issues begin to accumulate, we start to feel that something’s wrong within ourselves. We’re stressed out, and by this point, we’re not sure why. There is so much on our plate, we don’t know what to do.

If this sounds too familiar, then you should start paying attention to yourself a little more. Your stress is beating you, and you’re not fighting back. If you’re not sure where to start or what’s triggering this discomfort, don’t worry. Take a look at some of the most common reasons why we can feel stressed on our everyday life and how to deal with them.

Sometimes the real cause of stress lies within ourselves. Internal thoughts, such as worries about making a good impression, not being good enough, getting fired, being too pessimistic, perfectionist, or maybe even suspecting about something or someone can trigger constant discomfort. Also a current conflict with your S.O., a financial issue, or a huge life change (moving out of town, getting married, starting a new job) can unleash the worst kind of stress because these situations take you out of your comfort zone, sometimes in very challenging ways. But the core of all these triggers can be summed up in what we know as overthinking.

To deal with these stressors, the best thing to do is to be honest with yourself. Know your own limitations, accept when you’re just being judgemental about something or someone, and ask for help when you really need to. You don’t have to feel like you have to fight against the world on your own. Talk to your partner and solve your conflicts together, and if they can’t be fixed, consider taking a break apart from each other. Now, when you’re dealing with a health or financial problem, yoga and meditation can help a lot. Since we’re talking about problems you can’t fully solve at the moment, never discard doing relaxing workout!

Now, as for stress that comes from the outside, these kinds of triggers are somehow hard to deal with because they come from situations we can’t control. In this matter, school and work issues share similar causes. Deadlines, dealing with difficult bosses or teachers, pending tasks that keep piling on, or starting someplace new. Thinking that we will be constantly involved in this kind of circumstances can be stressful itself, and that’s why we may feel so bad.

Besides improving organization and working skills, we have to face the fact that work and school will always be demanding. That’s why we have to learn how to make time for leisure and relaxation. Because our lives can’t revolve around responsibilities all the time, we must separate our duties from our quality time with friends and family, or even with ourselves. Taking a break is sometimes the healthiest option when we are too stressed out about a particular situation we can’t control.

It’s important to take care of ourselves. Stress can arrive at any moment, so it’s vital for us to learn how to read our own discomfort and detect where it comes from. This way we can prevent major complications and live a happier life. First, find out whether your stress comes from the outside or from within, and after doing so, follow these simple and effective ways to overcome it.


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Photo credit: Justin Rosenberg

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