11 Musicians With A Disability That Prove There Are No Impediments To Rock

11 Musicians With A Disability That Prove There Are No Impediments To Rock

11 Musicians With A Disability That Prove There Are No Impediments To Rock

1559863234078 famous musicians disability condition overcome obstacles cover - 11 Musicians With A Disability That Prove There Are No Impediments To RockBy Diana Garrido

Whenever these artists get on stage, they move the audience. They end their shows knowing they’ve given an important message to their fans but their journey to the top hasn’t been easy. And what’s more, it’s been harder for them than for other musicians.

Most of them have faced endless difficulties to prove what they are made of. They’ve faced discrimination, they’ve fought against stereotypes, and more importantly, they’ve had to prove that their disabilities are no impediment to having success in their careers. These 11 musicians have become masters in inspiring others to follow their dreams.

Jason Becker (Sclerosis)

When he was only 20 years old, he got his dream job, subbing for Seve Vai’s (his teenage idol) in Van Halen. But then, suddenly, the guitarist started feeling a strange tickling in his left leg. He was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, and he felt that his life had ended. The disease has deteriorated his body for more than 25 years, but to this day, despite the pain and the difficulties caused by sclerosis, he’s still rocking with his guitar. Though he’s lost the ability to use his arms, he’s learned how to play using his eyes and mouth.

Tonny Iommi (Has no fingertips)

Iommi spent his youth working at a metal factory. While he was cutting a big sheet, he accidentally sliced his fingertips. He underwent a couple of surgeries that didn’t help him that much and the frustration almost made him quit music. However, he later came up with a creative solution to his impairment. He designed some finger caps to help him play the guitar, but it was still painful for him, so he adapted his guitar and the notes he used, while also creating a unique and characteristic heavy metal sound.

Biran Johnson (Hearing loss)

AC/DC’s iconic lead singer had to leave the band in 2016 when he started losing his hearing due to the high decibels of their music and the uproarious motor sound of his racing cars. Both activities require hearing protection and, unfortunately, he never cared much about that. He declared in an interview that his carelessness resulted in a pierced eardrum. Though he’s no longer in the legendary band, he’s recorded a couple of songs since, so perhaps with the right care, he could continue with his career.

Lord Lokhraed (Malformation in his left hand)

Lokhraed was born in 1982 with only two fingers on his left hand. Still, he’s considered to be one of the fastest and most skillful musicians in the black metal genre. He’s talked about how hard it was to grow up like that mainly due to the intense bullying he suffered in school, to the point that he became a solitary kid who wanted to stay home all the time. It was then that he discovered music and decided to learn how to play. He founded Nocturnal Depression, a metal band that’s considered one of the most important in France.

Jeff Becerra (Walking impairment)

Possessed’s frontman was only eighteen years old when he was robbed. When he tried to defend himself, he fell on the ground, and the robber, thinking he had killed him, decided to finish the job and shot him right in the back, hitting his spine. The bullet damaged the spine so much that he was left impaired. Today, he’s one of the most beloved and talented frontmen in the thrash scene.

Phill Collins (Vertigo and damaged cervical)

Excesses can have a huge impact on your life, and Phill Collins is one of the many who have experienced the consequences. At some point in his career, his immunological system started to deteriorate and he even lost precision while playing. Also, he suffered a cervical lesion that makes it hard for him to walk properly without aid; that’s why he’s always sitting down at his shows.

Rick Allen (Missing arm)

In 1984, Def Leppard’s drummer had a terrible accident while driving that almost tore his arm off completely. He underwent several surgeries attempting to reconnect his arm, but they were unsuccessful, so doctors decided to amputate it. Some time later, he worked with a music engineer and together they modified his drum set, so he could play with just one hand and a special pedal.

Stevie Wonder (Blindness)

Though the great Stevie Wonder wasn’t born blind, his retinas weren’t properly developed at gestation. This condition is called retinopathy, and around ten thousand babies in the world were born with it during the 1950s. Basically, he can only see shadows and some shapes, but his other senses (like hearing) are much more developed.

Paul Stanley (Microtia)

This condition consists of a malformation of the ear, where it doesn’t get develop fully. In the case of KISS’ co-founder, this malformation impedes him from identifying different sounds. That’s why he always has his hair down and wears special hearing aids, one specific for his shows and one for his daily life.

Frank Iero (Papillomavirus Episteme)

This is a genetic condition passed from the mother during gestation. The virus is characterized by cold-like symptoms that can lead to pneumonia, lung cancer, arrhythmia, and other medical complications. Though he’s very careful about his health, he has had to postpone some shows due to complications of his disease.

Mick Mars (Ankylosing Spondylitis)

When Mars was younger, he was diagnosed with this degenerative illness. It consists of a gradual deformation of the body inhibiting movement and provoking intense muscular and bone pain. It’s believed to be hereditary, though it hasn’t be proven. As an avid activist of bone health, Mars has taken part in different activities to promote a healthy lifestyle. He’s very careful with his overall health, though he knows he’s slowly deteriorating. 

No matter what, these musicians have shown the world that there is no obstacle that willpower and passion can’t overcome.

Translated by María Isabel Carrasco Cara Chards

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